Two Types of Child Custody Orders: Legal Custody vs. Physical Custody

Posted on: June 9, 2022

Two Types of Child Custody Orders: Legal Custody vs. Physical Custody Child Custody is imperative to the lives of both the parents and the child. Potentially being denied contact with your child is a possibility that can pull at the heartstrings of anyone. It is important to know the different types of Child Custody so that possibility is less likely to happen.

To put it simply, legal custody is which parent has the rights to make legal decisions for their child. Typically, both parents share joint legal custody so they can make decisions together.

Physical custody refers to who the child lives with. This can also be split up where the parents take turns having their child live with them.

Here at the Law Offices of Michael L. Fell, we have a team of family law experts that can help you have a fair child custody order. Call us today at (949) 585-9055 to learn how we can assist you. You can also request a Free Consultation. Don’t hesitate. When it comes to your child, you need the best team of lawyers to keep them safe. Continue reading to learn more about the different types of child custody orders.

The details of legal custody

Legal custody allows for one or both parents to make the legal decisions regarding their child. In some cases of joint custody, the court may order that each parent needs recorded consent from the other parent before any decision is made. The most critical decisions legal custody allows the parent(s) to make include:

  • The enrollment in or leaving of any school or daycare center
  • Beginning or ending of any mental health counseling or therapy
  • Extracurricular activities
  • All things medical
  • Participation in particular religious activities or institutions
  • Traveling outside California

The details of physical custody

To put it simply, physical custody is who the child lives with. However, there can be different types of agreements. A parent can have sole custody of a child’s living situation, or the parents can agree to split the time with a joint custody agreement. Even if they agree to a joint physical custody agreement, if the child spends more than half of their time at a parent’s house, that parent is considered to have “primary physical custody” of said child.

Reach out to us today

To receive the best legal advice regarding child custody, reach out to the Law Offices of Michael L. Fell. Our family law attorney, Michelle L. Tran, has over 200 hours of training that is specific to family law, and she understands all the legal nuances that can be involved in child custody battles. Call today at (949) 585-9055 or take advantage of our Free Consultations.