Should You Get a Divorce? Learn About Common Issues That Lead People to File

Posted on: August 19, 2020

Should You Get a Divorce? Learn About Common Issues That Lead People to File

It is a rare couple that goes into a marriage and knows they will someday get divorced, yet about half of marriages will end in divorce. If you are considering divorce, no one but you can decide if it is the right decision to make. At Law Office of Michael L. Fell we have seen many people in your position and all we can do is tell you some of the issues that led them to divorce. If you have questions or want to schedule a free, confidential consultation, contact us at (949) 585-9055 .

They No Longer Had Anything in Common

Most people who get married have a few things in common. As time goes on and their interests change, this might no longer be the case. They might only spend time together when the kids are around, or to go to events, but otherwise not enjoy each other’s company. If you are in this spot, you could try counseling to find commonalities that you have long forgotten.

They Are Constantly Criticized

It is common for couples who are divorcing to say that their partner constantly criticizes them. There are a few reasons this happens. First, as people spend more and more time together, their flaws are more likely to show – and more likely to aggravate their partner. Second, when a person does not know how to articulate what they are actually upset about, it often comes out as passive-aggressiveness, anger, or criticism.

A Decline in Physical Attraction and Intimacy

It’s often the case that a couple who has been together for years will not be as attracted as they once were, and will not have the sex life they once did. In some relationships, this is fine – both partners accept it and appreciate other things about the other. However, sometimes it is a very big issue – big enough that one partner files for divorce.

Hiding and Lying

Infidelity, lying about important matters, and hiding finances are all signs that a marriage may have come to its natural end. As is true of all the things list, these are issues that can potentially be worked out, but some couples feel that the dishonesty has gone too far and they cannot come back from it.

Should You Get Divorced? There is No Right or Wrong Answer

As long as you are safe within a marriage, you should not let anyone talk you into or out of leaving. If you are not happy and you want to leave, then you should contact a divorce attorney to find out the next steps. You can do so by calling Law Office of Michael L. Fell at (949) 585-9055 . If you do not want to leave, then that is a decision you can make too. There is no perfect time and certainty is rarely present in divorce cases.