Domestic Violence Attorney in San Clemente CA

Stand up for your rights with help from a domestic violence attorney in San Clemente CA

Domestic violence is defined as abuse or threats of abuse between current or past intimate partners or between close relatives. Whether you have been the victim of domestic violence or someone is accusing you of abusing them, you may find yourself in family court. Fortunately, The Law Office of Michael L. Fell is here to help as your domestic violence attorney in San Clemente CA. Your legal matter will be in excellent hands with our family law specialist, Michelle L. Tran, on the case. Attorney Tran is a skilled and compassionate attorney with over 200 hours of training family law matters including domestic violence.

Are You a Victim of Domestic Violence?

If you have suffered physical, verbal, or emotional abuse at the hands of a current or past intimate partner–or if your child has been abused by a close relative–you need to report the matter to the police right away. Then, your next step should be contacting a domestic violence attorney in San Clemente CA. We can help you secure the following types of family court orders:

Restraining Orders: Restraining orders or protective orders are very important for protecting domestic violence victims from future abuse. As an experienced domestic violence attorney in San Clemente CA, we understand the law on restraining orders and we know the best strategies for seeking temporary and permanent orders. You can count on us to make sure your paperwork is complete and correct so you can receive the protection you deserve.

Temporary Support Orders: Sometimes, abused spouses would like to leave their partners, but are unable to because they are not financially independent. In this situation, temporary spousal support can be absolutely essential. We can help you get the necessary order from the family court so you can afford to move out in advance of your divorce.

Have You Been Accused of Domestic Violence?

Allegations of domestic violence abuse can have a devastating impact on the outcome of your family law matters. This is true even if you are not actually prosecuted for any crime. If you find yourself in this situation, you need to get a domestic violence attorney in San Clemente CA on your side. We will thoroughly investigate the accusations being made against you to disprove any false accusations and prevent them from affecting your family law case.

Call Now to Speak with a Domestic Violence Attorney in San Clemente CA

Domestic violence is a serious matter and you deserve representation from a serious attorney. Dial (949) 585-9055 now to request your free initial consultation with a domestic violence attorney in San Clemente CA.