Divorce Modification Attorney in San Clemente CA

Unhappy with your divorce decree? Get help from a divorce modification attorney in San Clemente CA

After months of stress and uncertainty, it can feel like a huge relief to finally get your divorce decree, complete with provisions for support and child custody arrangements. But what if your needs change after your divorce and these arrangements are no longer satisfactory? You can and should seek official modifications. Fortunately, divorce orders can be changed post-judgment with the assistance of a divorce modification attorney in San Clemente CA.

We Handle All Kinds of Post-Judgment Modifications

The modification process is designed to address “substantial and continuing” changes in the circumstances of divorced spouses and their children. This means you can’t seek a modification for every little change in your life; only for those that permanently affect the appropriateness of the agreements in your divorce decree.

At The Law Office of Michael L. Fell, we know what kinds of evidence are required to prove to the judge that your desired modifications are fair and justified. We frequently serve as a divorce modification attorney in San Clemente CA for clients seeking or defending against:

  • Spousal Support Modifications: When the spouse paying support loses their job or suffers a permanent pay cut, or when the spouse receiving support finds gainful employment, it is time to reconsider the spousal support order. However, it is very important NOT to stop paying support until your modifications have been officially approved.
  • Child Custody Modifications: In order to modify child custody, we have to convince the court that the change is needed not only due to substantial changes in your family’s needs, but also to promote the best interests of the child. Common examples include a parent moving to another city or a parent’s home becoming an unsafe environment for the child.
  • Child Support Modifications: You may be justified in seeking a modification if your child custody split has changed, if the child’s expenses have changed, or if either parent’s income has changed.
  • Asset Division Modifications: Except under very specific circumstances, asset division agreements will not be modified. If you are interested in this possibility, you need to get personalized advice from a divorce modification attorney in San Clemente CA.

Why Choose Us as Your Divorce Modification Attorney in San Clemente CA

At The Law Office of Michael L. Fell, all modification petitions are handled by our family law specialist, Rita Liu. Attorney Tran is a skilled divorce modification attorney in San Clemente CA with over 200 hours of specialized training in the family law issues that accompany divorce. You can trust her to treat you with compassion and respect and work hard to help you achieve your goals.

Call Now for a Free Consultation

If you have questions for a divorce modification attorney in San Clemente CA, please Dial (949) 585-9055 now. We’ll be happy to set up a free initial consultation.