Family Law Lawyer in Fountain Valley CA

We provide compassionate and effective representation as your family law lawyer in Fountain Valley CA

Family law disputes can be upsetting to say the least. You may be feeling hurt by your family members’ actions and confused about what your next steps should be. You can and should ask a family law lawyer in Fountain Valley CA for help. With a lawyer on your side, you can rest assured that all the necessary legal steps will be taken to protect your rights and secure a fair resolution to the matter.

We Handle All Kinds of Family Law Matters

The Law Office of Michael L. Fell can serve as your family law lawyer in Fountain Valley CA no matter what kind of family law matter you are involved in. Our core practice areas include:

  • Divorce
  • Asset division
  • Spousal support
  • Child custody/visitation
  • Child support
  • Paternity
  • Domestic violence
  • Pre-marital and post-nuptial agreements

If you are the one initiating the legal proceeding, we’ll help you file the paperwork. If you have been served papers, we’ll help you respond. No matter which side of the issue you may be on, we will treat you with respect and do everything in our power to ensure your rights and interests are protected.

Are You Unhappy with Your Family Law Agreements?

Do you need additional child support to meet your child’s changing needs? Do you need to get sole custody of your kids because their other parent can’t care for them anymore? We may be able to help you secure the necessary modifications from the family court.

As your family law lawyer in Fountain Valley CA, we will work hard to secure all available evidence to support your modification petition and give you the best possible chance of securing the changes that are best for your family.

Find a Family Law Lawyer in Fountain Valley CA Who Cares

You will be sharing a lot of personal details about your life with your family law lawyer in Fountain Valley CA. It’s important to find someone you can trust. When you trust your case to The Law Office of Michael L. Fell, you will be working with our caring and compassionate family law specialist, Rita Liu. Attorney Tran will never look down on you or judge you. Instead, she will listen to your side of the story and then do everything in her power to help you achieve your goals for the outcome of your case.

Call Now for a Free Consultation

Whether you have an urgent need or just want some information about a potential case, we are here for you. Please dial 949-585-9055 to set up a free initial consultation with a qualified family law lawyer in Fountain Valley CA.