Important Steps to Take to Prepare Your Child for a Child Custody Hearing

Posted on: November 23, 2021

Important Steps to Take to Prepare Your Child for a Child Custody Hearing

Going to a child custody court may be nerve-wracking and even terrifying. If this is your first encounter with something similar, you may be unsure of what to anticipate and how to react. Fortunately, our family lawyers in Southern California can provide some advice on how to prepare for your custody court. Preparing ahead of time will calm your anxieties and help you achieve a better outcome. Contact Law Office of Michael L. Fell at (949) 585-9055 for help.

Become familiar with the laws and procedures governing child custody in California.

You may get a lot of useful information on the internet, but be sure it comes from reliable sources. The Judicial Branch of California’s Basics of Custody & Visitation Orders provides a lot of important material stated in layman’s terms.

If you want sole custody, be sure you know what the court will consider when deciding which parent will be the best caretaker for your kid or children.

You could also consult with your lawyer to see whether this is a viable option, as most judges like to have both parents engaged (if this is in the best interests of the child).

Consult with your attorney to ensure that you bring all necessary papers to the hearing.

You must also ensure that whatever you bring, such as personal records, is allowed. Written agreements concerning custody or support, documentation of child support payments, and other pertinent information may be included.

Follow proper courtroom decorum in terms of attire and behavior.

Even though it is only a child custody hearing and not a full-fledged trial, what you say and do might have an impact on the result of your case. Consult your lawyer and, if necessary, role-play so you know what to say, what not to say, what to dress, and how to act. You only get one chance to make a good first impression on the judge hearing your case. Make certain it’s a great one!

Have an idea of what to expect

Child custody hearings aren’t held in front of a jury, did you know? Did you know that the judge would almost certainly make a judgement on the subject right away? You also have the right to challenge a custody hearing decision. You won’t be taken off guard if you talk to your lawyer and make sure you understand how these processes function.

Choose the best child custody lawyer in Southern California

The correct lawyer may make all the difference in child custody proceedings or any other legal problem. Every household is different. Every child custody case requires a unique approach. We understand how serious your custody matter is at Law Office of Michael L. Fell. We also know how to prepare you for your custody hearing, deal with the court, deal with your ex’s lawyer, and put you up for success in every facet of your divorce.

Call us now at (949) 585-9055 for a free consultation.