Unhappy with your divorce decree? Get help from a divorce modification attorney in Irvine CA
After months of stress and uncertainty, it can feel like a huge relief to finally get your divorce decree, complete with provisions for support and child custody arrangements. But what if your needs change after your divorce and these arrangements are no longer satisfactory? You can and should seek official modifications. Fortunately for you, this process does not have to be overwhelming or painful when you have a skilled divorce modification attorney in Irvine CA on your side.
We Handle All Kinds of Post-Judgment Modifications
It would overload the court–and try your patience–if modifications were possible after every small change in the needs of a divorced couple. That’s why modifications are only granted when divorced couples or their children experience “substantial and continuing” life changes.
At The Law Office of Michael L. Fell, we know what kinds of evidence are required to prove to the judge that your desired modifications are fair and justified. Whether you are the party initiating a modification or defending against one, we can serve as your divorce modification attorney in Irvine CA for:
- Spousal Support Modifications: Frequently, the spouse paying support wants to reduce it. This may be justified if the supported spouse starts earning more income or if the spouse paying support loses their job. The remarriage of the supported spouse can also justify the termination of support.
- Child Custody Modifications: When modifying child custody orders, the top priority must be ensuring that the best interests of the child continue to be served. Custody modifications may be sought when parents’ schedules change dramatically, when one parent moves a significant distance, or when a parent’s fitness to care for their child changes for better or for worse.
- Child Support Modifications: In order to ensure that your child’s needs are met without placing an undue burden on either parent, child support orders can be modified whenever childcare costs increase or parents’ incomes change.
- Asset Division Modifications: It is rare for a judge to allow modifications to your asset division agreement, unless your divorce agreement specifically allows such modifications or modifications are mandated by law under certain unusual circumstances. If you are interested in this possibility, you need to get personalized advice from a divorce modification attorney in Irvine CA.
Why Choose Us as Your Divorce Modification Attorney in Irvine CA
At The Law Office of Michael L. Fell, you can expect superior quality representation for your case because you will be working closely with our family law specialist, Rita Liu. After many years of experience and over 200 hours of specialized family law training, Attorney Tran is more than equal to the task of serving as your divorce modification attorney in Irvine CA, no matter how complicated your case may be. You can trust her to treat you with compassion and respect and work hard to help you achieve your goals.
Call Now for a Free Consultation
If you would like more information regarding post-judgment modifications, please call us at 949-585-9055 and schedule a free initial consultation with your divorce modification attorney in Irvine CA.