Domestic Violence Attorney in Costa Mesa CA

Stand up for your rights with help from a domestic violence attorney in Costa Mesa CA

Domestic violence is defined as abuse or threats of abuse between current or past intimate partners or between close relatives. Whether you have been the victim of domestic violence or someone is accusing you of abusing them, you may find yourself in family court. The good news is, you can get help with the portion of your case that falls into the family law arena by hiring The Law Office of Michael L. Fell as your domestic violence attorney in Costa Mesa CA. All of our domestic violence cases are handled by Michelle L. Tran, a seasoned attorney with over 200 hours of specialized training in domestic violence and other family law issues.

Are You a Victim of Domestic Violence?

All incidents of domestic violence–especially those that involve serious bodily harm–should be reported to the police. Even if no criminal charges are filed, you will still create a record of the incident that can be helpful to your family law case later on. After that, you can contact a domestic violence attorney in Costa Mesa CA. We can help you take the necessary steps to secure important orders from the family court:

Restraining Orders: By securing a restraining order, you can prevent your abuser from further contact with you or your children. As an experienced domestic violence attorney in Costa Mesa CA, we understand the requirements and procedures for securing temporary and permanent restraining orders. We can walk you through all the paperwork as well as prepare you for your hearing.

Temporary Support Orders: Sometimes, abused spouses would like to leave their partners, but are unable to because they are not financially independent. In this situation, temporary spousal support can be absolutely essential. We can help you get the necessary order from the family court so you can afford to move out in advance of your divorce.

Have You Been Accused of Domestic Violence?

Allegations of domestic violence abuse can have a devastating impact on the outcome of your family law matters. This is true even if you are not actually prosecuted for any crime. If this has happened to you, your best defense is to get help from a domestic violence attorney in Costa Mesa CA right away. We can help gather and present evidence to disprove the accusations being made against you and prevent them from unfairly affecting the outcome of your family law matter.

Call Now to Speak with a Domestic Violence Attorney in Costa Mesa CA

At The Law Office of Michael L. Fell, we take domestic violence cases very seriously. Take the first step towards protecting your rights and interests by dialing (949) 585-9055 now for a free initial consultation with a domestic violence attorney in Costa Mesa CA.