Physical Repercussions of Divorce: Stay Vigilant, Stay Healthy

Posted on: July 14, 2023

Shot of a young businesswoman looking stressed out in an office

Divorce invariably brings about upheaval, affecting every facet of life. Whether it’s relocating, altering your financial habits, or adjusting to less frequent interaction with your children, these changes can induce stress, manifesting in physical symptoms. While Law Office of Michael L. Fell is equipped to handle the legal facets of your divorce, we also emphasize the importance of staying mindful of your physical health during this challenging period. Contact us at (949) 585-9055 for a free legal consultation with a divorce lawyer.

Sleep Disturbances: A Common Byproduct of Divorce

Insomnia can often accompany divorce, as individuals grapple with the adjustment of sleeping alone after years of sharing a bed with a spouse. Stress, a close companion of divorce, escalates cortisol levels, consequently hampering sleep. This symptom, while common, should not be disregarded. If persistent insomnia plagues you for weeks, it’s advisable to seek medical advice.

A Weakened Immune System: Be on Guard

Post-divorce, if you observe a higher susceptibility to sickness compared to earlier times, stress might be suppressing your immune system. This could materialize as an unshakeable cold or increased vulnerability to every bug in circulation. Research indicates that divorced individuals bear a heightened risk of certain conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. Fortunately, immune system fortification via vitamins, immunizations, and other preventive measures can mitigate these risks.

Stomach Upsets: A Physical Manifestation of Stress

Stress can also incite stomach ailments. If you consistently experience a knotted feeling in your stomach or nausea, these could be physical manifestations of the stress induced by your divorce. Besides causing discomfort and pain, these conditions can also lead to unhealthy weight loss.

Weight Gain: Another Potential Side Effect

Conversely, some individuals may experience weight gain post-divorce. The culprit is often cortisol, which, when elevated, can result in the accumulation of abdominal fat. Additionally, some individuals may resort to comfort eating when stressed. Monitoring your diet and consulting a doctor if unexplained weight gain occurs can help manage this issue.

Stress Reduction: The Key to Mitigating These Symptoms

As evident, stress is the primary contributor to these physical issues. While it may be challenging to completely eliminate stress during a divorce, working with a compassionate and competent family law attorney can significantly alleviate the process’s strain. Law Office of Michael L. Fell is dedicated to making your journey as seamless and stress-free as possible. To begin your process, contact us today at (949) 585-9055 .