Learn the Five Most Important Tips You’ll Ever Get from a California Divorce Attorney

Posted on: February 23, 2023

Learn the Five Most Important Tips You’ll Ever Get from a California Divorce Attorney

There is no getting past the fact that divorce is stressful for all parties. Even if both couples concur that it is time to split ways, lives are upended and it is challenging to maintain composure. By reading our top five pieces of advice, you can make sure you are as knowledgeable as possible about the divorce procedure. To talk with a knowledgeable family law attorney, call Law Office of Michael L. Fell at (949) 585-9055 .

1. Always be prepared for conflict

Even if you and your soon-to-be ex believe you are on the same page and that it is time to get a divorce, you should enter this process prepared for conflict. Even if you both start out with the greatest of intentions, a fight could erupt when it comes time to make decisions about child custody, property division, spousal support, and other potentially contentious subjects.

2. Before filing for divorce, consult with a lawyer

You might be tempted to file for divorce right immediately if you and your husband have recently had a heated argument and you’ve decided it’s finally time. We strongly advise against doing this. Consult a divorce attorney. Before you take this action, we will discuss your options with you, respond to any questions you may have, and make sure everything is ready.

3. Consider the timing

It is simple to think of reasons to put off getting a divorce, but there are many instances where it would be best to file as soon as possible. For instance, you might want to think about filing before receiving a bonus or a sizable rise if you are eligible. It could be better to postpone your decision to file for divorce if you are close to the ten-year mark in your marriage. Why? Because if you wait, you might owe spousal support for a longer length of time and have access to more Social Security money.

4. Check for vulnerabilities

Try to address any weaknesses before you proceed to the following step and file for divorce. Put your name on all bank accounts, investments, trust deeds, utility bills, and other crucial papers, for instance. Make sure that joint signatures are required on all joint accounts. Your spouse will find it far more challenging to withdraw money from your account as a result.

5. Take action to safeguard your credit

You’ll require it after a divorce to start over in other ways, including looking for a new home or car. Never sign anything with your spouse as a cosigner. Any joint credit cards you have should be cancelled or paid off after removing your spouse from them. Keep in mind that even if the court orders your spouse to pay a debt during the divorce, the creditor may still pursue you if they decide not to.

If you have questions or are ready for a free consultation with a divorce attorney, contact Law Office of Michael L. Fell at (949) 585-9055 .