There is no such thing as an easy custody battle. Almost always, both parents are certain that they are in the right and can provide the best possibilities for child custody. This is the reason why many cases wind up in court. Consider the following choices if you wish to avoid the hassle, expense, and inconvenience of going to court. Call Law Office of Michael L. Fell at 949-585-9055 to schedule a consultation that is tailored to your needs.
Create and accept a parenting schedule and custody arrangement in writing
Making your own custody agreement and parenting plan may be an option if you can sit down and put your differences aside for a few hours. The terms of the custody agreement would specify who would have temporary physical custody of the child. The parenting plan would outline who was in charge of what, including money-related matters.
Despite its apparent simplicity, this can be challenging. It’s typical for one or more parents to object to certain provisions of the agreement. This is why we constantly advise hiring a family law attorney. A quick consultation could prevent you from suffering a great deal in the future.
Going to mediation is one of the most popular methods parents settle a custody dispute. This entails sitting down with a third party who is totally impartial to help you resolve the conflict. The mediator’s role is to assist you in jointly developing a strategy rather than to construct one for you. They may assist you in coming up with a strategy that works for your kids, teach both parents how to handle future arguments, and enable the child to continue having contact with both parents.
Again, even if you decide to use mediation, we strongly advise hiring a lawyer. No matter how straightforward and advantageous a document may seem, you should always have a lawyer review it before signing it. Even while it would appear that you have custody today, you might lose rights down the road.
The ADR process
ADR, or alternative dispute resolution, is a non-formal method of negotiating with the co-parent. The ability of both parents to cooperate is frequently a good idea. Once more, a family law attorney can actively participate in this process to make sure that your rights are upheld and that you are aware of all of your options.
To get the final say, contact an adept lawyer
It makes sense that you would prefer to avoid going to court. If you have it as one of your objectives, we will make every effort to make it happen. However, occasionally you might just have to. Our main concern at Law Office of Michael L. Fell is making sure you can make the best decisions for your child. Contact us at 949-585-9055 to learn more about your alternatives in your current circumstance or to receive guidance on a parenting plan you’ve developed.