Embarking on Divorce: Five Crucial Tips from a Family Law Expert

Posted on: September 14, 2023

Navigating through a divorce is akin to sailing in stormy seas. Even when both parties are in agreement over the decision, the process often unsettles lives and clouds judgement. In this narrative, we encapsulate five essential pieces of advice to arm you with a semblance of understanding as you step into the divorce arena.

For personalized guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out to Law Office of Michael L. Fell at (949) 585-9055 to consult with a seasoned family law attorney.

Anticipate Resistance

A divorce, even when initiated on mutual grounds, often morphs into a battlefield when it descends into the nitty-gritty of asset allocation, child custody, and spousal support. Even if the journey begins on a calm note, it’s prudent to be prepared for potential tempests that may arise during the negotiations.

Seek Legal Counsel Preemptively

A heated argument with your spouse may propel you towards filing for divorce impulsively. It’s a step best taken with thoughtful deliberation rather than in a whirlwind of emotions. Engaging a divorce attorney before taking any decisive step is advisable. They will provide an overview of your options, answer pressing questions, and ensure you are well-positioned for the steps ahead.

Ponder Over the Timing

Delaying the inevitable might seem enticing but considering the financial implications of timing can be pivotal. For instance, impending bonuses or a near-term raise could be a factor to consider before filing. Similarly, nearing a significant marital milestone like a decade might warrant a slight pause, given the potential entitlement to a portion of your spouse’s Social Security benefits or an extended spousal support.

Addressing Financial Loopholes

Pre-divorce is a prudent phase to reinforce your financial security. Ensuring your name is on all essential documents, be it bank accounts, investments, or property deeds, creates a layer of financial transparency. Modifying joint accounts to require co-signing thwarts any clandestine financial moves by your spouse, safeguarding your assets.

Shielding Your Credit Health

Post-divorce financial independence necessitates a healthy credit profile. It’s wise to disentangle joint financial obligations, remove your spouse from joint credit cards, and settle any outstanding balances. Despite court mandates, if a spouse defaults on a joint debt, the creditor could still knock on your door. Severing these financial ties pre-divorce is a step towards ensuring your credit remains untarnished.

Navigating Divorce with the Help of an Attorney

Divorce, with its emotional tumult and legal intricacies, demands a robust support system and professional guidance. At Law Office of Michael L. Fell, we extend a helping hand to steer you through this challenging voyage with expert legal counsel. Reach out to us at (949) 585-9055 , and let’s embark on this journey towards a new chapter in your life with clarity, confidence, and legal adeptness.