Local Divorce Attorney in Santa Ana CA

Now is the time to get a free legal consultation from a local divorce attorney in Santa Ana CA

If you and your spouse are no longer positive that you want to stay together and are considering divorcing, then you need to talk to a local divorce attorney in Santa Ana CA. At Law Office of Michael L. Fell we can provide the compassionate, effective legal assistance you need to understand your options and have the best possible outcome.

You need a local divorce attorney in Santa Ana CA who will fight for a fair divorce agreement

It doesn’t matter if your marriage lasted decades or just a few months, separating is almost always a time full of stress and big emotions. Many in this position just want it over with as soon as possible. While we understand this urge, we also want to stress that it’s important to carefully consider all your options to ensure that you’re getting the best outcome for you, your finances, and any children you may have.

Your local divorce attorney in Santa Ana CA can help at every step of the way

There are many steps involved in divorce. When you choose to work with Law Office of Michael L. Fell, you’ll be choosing a local divorce attorney in Santa Ana CA who will be there for you from the first moment until it’s all said and done. Some of the phases you’re likely to deal with include:

  • Dividing property. Much of property division is mandated by the fact that California is a community property state in which all assets (and debts) acquired during the divorce are split evenly, unless both you and your spouse agree otherwise.
  • Spousal support. Also known as alimony, one of you may be eligible for one of several types of spousal support, either temporarily or permanently.
  • Child custody and visitation agreements. You want what’s best for your children and that’s what you can count on us to fight for. We will talk to you about the situation and work with your spouse’s attorney to build a custody and visitation agreement that works for everyone.
  • Child support. Who pays for the children’s health insurance? Who pays for their private school tuition? What happens when they go to college? These are all issues that will be included in child support agreements.

While the examples above are common issues a local divorce attorney in Santa Ana CA deals with, it’s only a few of the things we can help with. Call us today if you need assistance from an attorney.

Will your rights be best served through divorce litigation or mediation?

If you and your spouse are on the same page about most aspects of your divorce then you may able to move forward with divorce mediation. This allows you to sit down with a mediator and discuss the aspects of your divorce, form custody to splitting up property and everything in between. Even though a local divorce attorney in Santa Ana CA isn’t required, we do recommend that you at least get a free legal consultation before moving forward.

In the event that you aren’t at a point where you can work together like this, litigation may be necessary. With this option, you have an attorney fighting for your rights in front of a judge who will make the relevant decisions. Contact Law Office of Michael L. Fell at (949) 585-9055 to learn more about your options.