The Real Cost of Divorce in California

Posted on: August 7, 2019

The Real Cost of Divorce in California

There are many reasons that people decide not to get divorced in California. Sometimes they simply do not want to spend the money. While this is understandable, it is also true that staying together just to avoid divorce fees is not going to lead to a happy life for anyone involved. Before you make this same decision, please read on to find out how much a divorce really costs. Then contact Law Office of Michael L. Fell at (949) 585-9055 if you are in need of an experienced family law attorney.

The Divorce Filing Fee

As of the date we are writing this, the fee to file for divorce in California is $435. This means that when you file paperwork with the court, you will pay this fee. The respondent also has to pay a $435 fee so the court gets a total of $870 for every divorce. Note that in some counties, this can be even higher. In Riverside, San Francisco, and San Bernardino, filing fees are temporarily raised to pay for a construction project.

Who Pays the Divorce Filing Fees?

As mentioned above, both parties will pay divorce fees – one for filing and the other for responding. However, either party could end up being reimbursed for their filing fees. This is because court and attorney fees are often negotiated during the divorce settlement. If the spouses shared their finances, it can make sense to take the money from joint accounts. If one spouse has more money, then you may be able to have them pay the entire cost of the divorce.

Other Divorce Costs

There are of course other costs than the filing costs. You will need to divide your assets and, depending on the financial situation of both of you, you may be responsible for paying spousal support as part of your divorce. Generally speaking, California law affords each member of the marriage 50% of all assets received during the marriage. The court will look at everything you own and then divide these items for a fair resolution.

This may involve one spouse making spousal and / or child support payments. If one of the spouses does not have a job or is unable to work then they may get short-term or long-term support. Child support is only decided after custody is decided.

Call Us Today to Reduce the Financial Burden of a Divorce

No one wants to pay more than their fair share in a divorce, yet if you do not have the right attorney that is just what you may be doing. An attorney such as Law Office of Michael L. Fell knows what is fair and knows how to fight for it for you. To work with an experienced attorney today, contact us at (949) 585-9055 for a free consultation.